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What is a CP301 notice?
IRS notices are letters sent to inform taxpayers of important tax information. Each one is different, but we can explain what the CP301 is about.
Understanding your CP301 notice
When you register for an IRS online service, the IRS sends you notice CP301 to confirm your registration or provide an activation code for the online service.
Type of Notice
Online service
Why you received the CP301 notice
The IRS CP301 notice is a confirmation you signed up for an IRS online service is confirming your registration or sending a needed activation code.
If you didn’t initiate registration of an online account or request an activation code you can lock down the account by following these instructions.
Likely next steps
As always, read the notice carefully. The only reason you need to take any action is if you did not register for an IRS online service. If you did not, you should immediately lock access to your IRS account to prevent fraud. The IRS gives clear next steps on their site here.
CP301 Notice deadline
There is no deadline for notice CP301.
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